Pastor Glenn Anderson and his wife Sandra have many years experience ministering the word of God both in Australia and overseas.
In 1995 they took their two young sons and pioneered a church in Jakarta, Indonesia.
After returning home to Australia they became faithful members of the Geraldton congregation in Western Australia and in 2006 they felt the call of God again to enter into the ministry, this time to take the pastorate of the church in Fremantle WA.
The church relocated to a new building in the city of Cockburn and they have seen God perform many miracles and countless lives have been touched by the Gospel. Glenn & Sandra have a heart for people and are excited about all that God is doing in Cockburn and the surrounding area.
Jesus said these words "Go into all the world and preach the gospel..." The word 'Gospel' literally means 'Good News', and it stands in contrast to the bad news that we are saturated with everyday through the media.
The good news is that through Jesus' death on the cross, our sin has been paid for; and through His resurrection from the dead, we can experience His power to forgive our sins, heal our sickness, break our addictions, restore our marriages and change our lives.
Our vision is to spread that good news so that everyone would come to know Jesus personally as their Lord and Saviour
Everything we do – whether it be our Sunday and Wednesday church services, our bands, park outreaches, street preaching, door to door and street evangelism is aimed at fulfilling this vision.